Custom Concert Lever Harps
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Bark! Ellie Speaks

Rees Harps Enthusiasm Coordinator, Ellie, blogs about everything at Rees from her unique viewpoint. Ellie is a golden doodle dog and will be a service dog when she grows up.

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Ellie, William’s service dog-in-training, has her own perspective on the going’s-on at Rees Harps. As the official Rees Harps Enthusiasm Coordinator, you can count on Ellie to be in the middle of everything with something funny to say. Unfortunately, Mew, one of the Rees Harps cats, has Ellie’s blog password so occasionally, Mew provides what she believes to be the necessary counterweight. To read each of Ellie’s weekly posts, click on the photo.

Road Trip!

My road trip to Big Bone Lick.

All week, William kept telling me that he had a surprise for me. He knows how much I love surprises! They are so exciting!! I just love the big reveal of a surprise… the anticipation, the tail wagging, the happy…. surprises are the best! So I tried REALLY hard all week to be a good dog - I tried not to jump when greeting the UPS delivery guy at the shop, I always (most of the time…. sometimes…) stayed really calm and patient around everyone at Rees Harps, and most of all, I didn’t mark…. much.

Anyway, after sooo many days of anticipation, the day finally came. My SURPRISE!!

William decided to take me on a road trip across the really really really big Ohio River into Kentucky to see meet some friends at Big Bone Lick State Park. Unfortunately, we were a little late to meet the friends, but we saw other animals and had lots of fun. Check out the video we made!
